Tower of Fantasy food guide, best recipes and how to get them - Gamesradar

If you’re looking for the best Tower of Fantasy food, you’ve come to the right place. While cooking food is quite simple, it’s pretty hard to unlock the best recipes. It all comes down to exploration, finding the correct ingredients, and a bit of good fortune. 

Here’s how the food system works, plus a list of all the best Tower of Fantasy food recipes available. And, if you're looking for help with your Tower of Fantasy character, we can also help you there. 

How to cook in Tower of Fantasy

Tower of Fantasy food

(Image credit: Perfect World)

Cooking food in Tower of fantasy requires a cooking pot. No surprises there. However, it can be hard to find one. What you need to do is open your map and make sure the “Cooking Pot” visibility is turned on (see the small settings icon at the top of the screen). This will display all nearby cooking pots.

Note that the cooking pot locations only pop up if you zoom in (about 70%). If you still don’t see a cooking location, teleport to a larger settlement and try again. Tower of Fantasy cooking pots look like little robots decorated with a bright yellow smiley face.

The cooking process itself is quite simple; press the dish you want on the left side of the screen, and then choose “cooking”. No minigame involved. The cooking tab will also show you the ingredients.

How to unlock recipes in Tower of Fantasy  

Tower of Fantasy food

(Image credit: Perfect World)

Here’s where it gets tricky: unlocking recipes in Tower of Fantasy depends on both the ingredients and success rate. First, go the “Creation” tab at the Cooking Pot station. You can throw up to five different ingredients together in the hopes of unlocking a new recipe. However, each ingredient adds no more than 7% to the total success rate, meaning that even if you have the correct ingredients to unlock an unknown recipe, you only have a small chance of success. 

It's therefore very important to increase the success rate by adding extra ingredients. You can add more of the same type, or common ones (unrelated to the recipe). Be careful though; the latter will increase the success rate, but it may result in a basic dish instead of the one you wanted. 

For example, the ingredients in the picture have a chance of unlocking a Super Rare recipe with Hazelnut as one of the ingredients, but it can also result in a basic stew. 

Tower of Fantasy food types

Tower of Fantasy food

(Image credit: Perfect World)

Different foods come with different effects. Here’s an overview of Tower of Fantasy food effects:

  • HP recovery: immediately restores a certain percentage and fixed amount of health. 
  • Satiety recovery: like a normal HP boost, it increases healing. However, Satiety determines the rate at which the character restores HP outside of combat. You can check your Satiety meter on the left side of the HP bar. 
  • Endurance boost: recovers stamina.
  • Attack boost: increases attack power.
  • Resistance boost: increases resistance to certain types of attack.

Best Tower of Fantasy food recipies

Tower of Fantasy food

(Image credit: Perfect World)

Why waste food on experimentation if we can simply show you the best Tower of Fantasy recipes below? All you need to do is gather the correct ingredients (remember: add more of them for a higher success rate) and start cooking. 

Best Common recipes in Tower of Fantasy

  • Wholegrain Bread (Homi Grain x2): Regenerates 10 Satiety. It’s not the best health recovery food, but it’s extremely easy to make.
  • Fried Mushrooms (Mushroom x2): Regenerates 5 Satiety and immediately restores 10% +1,500 HP. One of the easiest recovery recipes for early-game combat.
  • Lettuce Salad (Lettuce x2, Salad Dressing x1): Regenerates 5 Satiety and immediately restores 10% +1,500 HP. Lettuce is as common as Homi Grain, and Salad Dressing can be bought from the Food Vendor in Astra or Banges Dock. 

Best Uncommon recipes in Tower of Fantasy

  • Breakfast Cereal (Homi Grain x2, Milk x1): Regenerates 14 Satiety. If you just need a Satiety boost, it’s a great food to carry with you. Milk can be bought from the Astra and Banges Food Vendors.
  • Meat Buns (Homi Grain x2, Game Meat x1): Regenerates 14 Satiety. If you’d rather spend some time hunting animals instead of buying ingredients from a Food Vendor, Meats Buns are a good alternative for Breakfast Cereal.
  • Fried Chicken (Poultry x2, Homi Grain x1): Regenerates 7 Satiety and immediately restores 12% +3,300 HP. You can find Poultry early on by hunting birds.
  • Steamed Conch (Conch x2, Lettuce x1): Regenerates 7 Satiety and immediately restores 12% +3,300 HP. The beach south of Banges Dock is littered with Conches, so this is an easy HP food to create. 
  • Honeyed Fruit Juice (Fallen Fruit x2, Honey x1, Carbonated Water x1): Regenerates 300 Endurance and immediately restores 12% +3,300 HP. The easiest early-game Endurance food. Carbonated Water can he bought from the Astra or Banges Food Vendor, and both Fallen fruit and Honey are quite common in the same two regions.

Best Rare recipes in Tower of Fantasy

  • Boiled Scallops (Lettuce x3, Scallops x2): Regenerates 10 Satiety and immediately restores 15% +20,000 HP. Scallops are a common item on the beaches south of Banges Dock and in the southernmost corner of Banges.
  • Roast Rump (Rear Hock x2): Regenerates 500 Endurance and immediately restores 15% +20,000 HP. Great for stamina recovery and very easy to make. Killing bears in the northwestern part will get you plenty of Rear Hock.
  • Spicy Eel (Electric Eel x1): Regenerates 10 Satiety and increases Volt Resistance by 290 +10% for fifteen minutes. Although Electric Eel is most common in Warren, it’s also found in the western part of Navia Bay.
  • Spicy Burger (Homi Grain x3, Rear Hock x2, Lettuce x1): Regenerates 10 Satiety and increases Physical Attack by 45 +1% for fifteen minutes. Rear Hock is quite common in Navia.
  • Tomato and Fried Egg Pasta (Thornmato x4, Homi Grain x3, Poultry Egg x1): Regenerates 10 Satiety and increases Flame Attack by 45 +1% for fifteen minutes. All of these ingredients are found in abundance on Astra, the starting island.

Best Super Rare recipes in Tower of Fantasy

  • Caterpillar Fungus Noodles (Caterpillar Fungus x1, Brown Rice x3): Regenerates 20 Satiety and immediately restores 20% +60,000 HP. This is one of the best HP restoration foods you can find. It’s easy to make too: while Caterpillar Fungus is only found in Warren, Brown Rice grows all around Navia.
  • Snail Baked Rice (Carrion Snail x1, Rice x2): generates 20 Satiety and increases Physical Resistance by 675 +15% for twenty minutes. This is the easiest high-tier resistance food to make, as you can find several Snails in the western corner of Navia Bay. Rice can be bought from Food Vendors.
  • Braised Meat (Fatty Cut x1): generates 20 Satiety and increases Frost Resistance by 675 +15% for twenty minutes. Fatty Cut is found in The Crown region.
  • Juicy Meat Sandwich (Fatty Cut x1, Brown Rice x2, Poultry Egg x2): Regenerates 20 Satiety and increases Flame Resistance by 675 +15% for twenty minutes. Similar to Braised Meat, with Fatty Cut as the only rare ingredient. 
  • Salmon Sashimi (Lake Bass x1): Regenerates 20 Satiety and increases Frost Attack by 150 +2% for twenty minutes. Lake Bass is common in The Crown and Warren.
  • Purple Yam Pie (Brown Rice x3, Purple Yam x1): Regenerates 20 Satiety and increases Volt Attack by 150 +2% for twenty minutes. Brown Rice is common in Navia and Purple Yams are found in Warren.

And that wraps up our Tower of Fantasy best foods guide. Happy cooking!

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