Tower Of Fantasy cooking recipes and ingredient locations - Rock Paper Shotgun

Looking for all the Tower Of Fantasy cooking recipes and ingredient locations? Cooking is a substantial but easily overlooked aspect of Hotta Studio's open-world RPG, the startlingly popular Tower Of Fantasy. Different dishes can be created from a cooking machine by bunging in the right ingredients, and consuming those dishes will then grant you positive effects such as regenerating your health, boosting your damage and resistances, and replenishing your satiety - a hunger bar which is used for passive health regeneration.

Not only will you often want to cook particular dishes to prepare for certain fights or journeys, but there are often also quest missions which require you to obtain a certain food item. Here you'll find all your answers, thanks to our definitive table of all Tower Of Fantasy cooking recipes. Keep scrolling and you'll also find useful information on where to find each of the ingredients in the game.

Below is every single cooking recipe in Tower Of Fantasy, along with the effects and bonuses given by each dish.

If you're struggling to piece together the ingredients for one of the Tower Of Fantasy dishes above, then not to worry. Below you can read up on where exactly you need to go to find each of the listed ingredients in the game.

That wraps up this definitive guide to the various cooking recipes and ingredient locations in Tower Of Fantasy. Bringing the right food with you is a great way to prepare for challenging areas, fights, and bosses. To make sure you're fully prepared, check out our Tower Of Fantasy tier list and our guide on the best Tower Of Fantasy Relics. We've also got a list of Tower Of Fantasy codes to redeem for free moolah, and news on the current and upcoming Tower Of Fantasy banner.

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Food Ingredients Satiety Effect Rarity
Awful Stew Any failed combo +2 N/A N/A
Charcoal Grilled Sand Onion 2x Sand Onion +10 N/A X
Crispy Grilled Fish 1x Silver Bass +10 N/A X
Sizzling Meat 2x Game Meat +10 N/A X
Wholegrain Bread 2x Homi Grain +10 N/A X
Breakfast Cereal 2x Homi Grain, 1x Milk +14 N/A N
Egg Fried Rice 2x Rice, 1x Poultry Egg +14 N/A N
Fries 1x Potato, 1x Salad Dressing +14 N/A N
Meat And Potato Stew 1x Potato, 1x Game Meat +14 N/A N
Meat Bun 2x Homi Grain, 1x Game Meat +14 N/A N
Stir-Fried Broccoli 2x Broccoli +14 N/A N
Red Wheat Bread 2x Brown Rice +16 N/A N
Cactus Special 2x Ball Cactus +5 Restore (10% + 1,500) HP X
Fried Egg 2x Poultry Egg +5 Restore (10% + 1,500) HP X
Fried Mushrooms 2x Mushroom +5 Restore (10% + 1,500) HP X
Lettuce Salad 2x Lettuce, 1x Salad Dressing +5 Restore (10% + 1,500) HP X
Beet Soup 2x Beetroot +7 Restore (12% + 3,300) HP N
Crispy Chicken Burger 1x Homi Grain, 1x Poultry Meat, 1x Lettuce +7 Restore (12% + 3,300) HP N
Dandelion Mushroom Soup 1x Dandelion Seed, 2x Mushroom +7 Restore (12% + 3,300) HP N
Fried Chicken 2x Poultry Meat, 1x Homi Grain +7 Restore (12% + 3,300) HP N
Golden Egg And Tomato 2x Thornmato, 2x Poultry Egg +7 Restore (12% + 3,300) HP N
Grilled Lizard Tail 2x Fleshy Tail +7 Restore (12% + 3,300) HP N
Mushroom Soup 2x Mushroom, 2x Lettuce +7 Restore (12% + 3,300) HP N
Seaweed And Egg Soup 2x Laver, 1x Poultry Egg +7 Restore (12% + 3,300) HP N
Sliced Fish With Mushroom 2x Mushroom, 1x Silver Bass +7 Restore (12% + 3,300) HP N
Steamed Conch 2x Conch, 1x Lettuce +7 Restore (12% + 3,300) HP N
Vegetable Salad 1x Fallen Fruit, 1x Thornmato, 1x Lettuce, 1x Salad Dressing +7 Restore (12% + 3,300) HP N
Black Moss Soup 2x Black Moss, 2x Lettuce +8 Restore (13% + 10,000) HP N
Surf and Turf 1x Darby's Sturgeon, 2x Poultry Egg +8 Restore (13% + 10,000) HP N
Boiled Scallops 2x Scallop, 3x Lettuce +10 Restore (15% + 20,000) HP R
Fruit Cake 2x Strawberry, 1x Homi Grain, 1x Fallen Fruit, 1x Poultry Egg +10 Restore (15% + 20,000) HP R
Steamed Crab 2x Portunid, 2x Lettuce +10 Restore (15% + 20,000) HP R
Steamed Egg With Sea Urchin 2x Sea Urchin, 2x Poultry Egg +10 Restore (15% + 20,000) HP R
Balloon Fruit Salad 2x Balloon Fruit, 2x Thornmato, 1x Salad Dressing +10 Restore (16% + 34,000) HP R
Barnacle Seafood Pizza 1x Barnacle, 2x Brown Rice, 1x Onion +10 Restore (16% + 34,000) HP R
Caviar Sushi 1x Caviar, 2x Rice, 2x Laver +10 Restore (16% + 34,000) HP R
Chocolate Bread 2x Cocoa Beans, 2x Brown Rice +10 Restore (16% + 34,000) HP R
Fiddlehead Pie 2x Fiddlehead, 2x Brown Rice +10 Restore (16% + 34,000) HP R
Fiddlehead Soup 2x Fiddlehead, 4x Lettuce +10 Restore (16% + 34,000) HP R
Pine Cocoa 1x Pinecone, 1x Cocoa Beans, 2x Milk +10 Restore (16% + 34,000) HP R
Caterpillar Fungus Noodles 1x Caterpillar Fungus, 3x Brown Rice +20 Restore (20% + 60,000) HP SR
Nut Tea 1x Hazelnut, 2x Pinecone, 2x Honey +20 Restore (20% + 60,000) HP SR
Honeyed Fruit Juice 2x Fallen Fruit, 1x Honey, 1x Carbonated Water N/A Restore 300 Stamina, Restore (12% + 3,300) HP N
Iced Orchid Surprise 2x Ghost Mushroom, 1x Milk, 1x Carbonated Water N/A Restore 300 Stamina, Restore (12% + 3,300) HP N
Firecap Mushroom Soup 2x Firecap, 2x Lettuce N/A Restore 400 Stamina, Restore (13% + 10,000) HP N
Roast Rump 2x Rear Hock N/A Restore 500 Stamina, Restore (15% + 20,000) HP R
Sweet Pomegranate Juice 2x Phosphogranate, 2x Honey, 1x Carbonated Water N/A Restore 600 Stamina, Restore (16% + 34,000) HP R
Snow Lotus Soup 1x Snow Lotus, 2x Honey N/A Restore 800 Stamina, Restore (20% + 60,000) HP SR
Tomato And Fried Egg Pasta 3x Brown Rice +10 Gain (+1% + 45) Fire damage (900 sec) R
Seafood Soup 3x Conch, 2x Scallop, 1x Lettuce +10 Gain (+1% + 45) Ice damage (900 sec) R
Spicy Burger 3x Homi Grain, 2x Rear Hock, 1x Lettuce +10 Gain (+1% + 45) Physical damage (900 sec) R
Jam On Toast 1x Small Blueberry Jar, 1x Strawberry, 3x Homi Grain +10 Gain (+1% + 45) Volt damage (900 sec) R
Firedragon Fruit Tea 2x Firedragon Fruit, 2x Honey +10 Gain (+1% + 80) Fire damage (900 sec) R
Snow Azalea Tea 1x Snow Azalea, 1x Milk, 2x Honey +10 Gain (+1% + 80) Ice damage (900 sec) R
Caviar Potato Balls 1x Caviar, 2x Potato +10 Gain (+1% + 80) Physical damage (900 sec) R
Eel And Mushroom Soup 1x Electric Eel, 2x Firecap +10 Gain (+1% + 80) Volt damage (900 sec) R
Iced Strawberry Soda 2x Strawberry, 2x Honey, 1x Carbonated Water +10 Gain (+10% + 170) Fire resistance (900 sec) R
Sea Crab Soup 2x Hermit Crab, 4x Mushroom +10 Gain (+10% + 170) Fire resistance (900 sec) R
Simple Power Salad 1x Broccoli, 1x Thornmato, 1x Lettuce, 1x Poultry Egg, 1x Salad Dressing +10 Gain (+10% + 170) Physical resistance (900 sec) R
Thundercloud Blueberry Soda 1x Small Blueberry Jar, 2x Honey, 1x Carbonated Water +10 Gain (+10% + 170) Volt resistance (900 sec) R
Cocoa Milk 2x Cocoa Beans, 2x Honey, 1x Milk +10 Gain (+10% + 290) Ice resistance (900 sec) R
Barnacle Stew 2x Barnacle, 4x Lettuce +10 Gain (+10% + 290) Physical resistance (900 sec) R
Spicy Eel 1x Electric Eel +10 Gain (+10% + 290) Volt resistance (900 sec) R
Juicy BLT 1x Fatty Cut, 2x Brown Rice, 2x Poultry Egg +20 Gain (+15% + 675) Fire resistance (1200 sec) SR
Braised Meat 1x Fatty Cut +20 Gain (+15% + 675) Ice resistance (1200 sec) SR
Snail Baked Rice 1x Carrion Snail, 2x Rice +20 Gain (+15% + 675) Physical resistance (1200 sec) SR
Grilled Steak 1x Prime Cut +20 Gain (+15% + 675) Volt resistance (1200 sec) SR
Steak With Sauce 1x Prime Cut, 3x Firecap +20 Gain (+2% + 150) Fire damage (1200 sec) SR
Salmon Sashimi 1x Lake Bass +20 Gain (+2% + 150) Ice damage (1200 sec) SR
Truffle Fried Rice 1x Black Truffle, 1x Onion, 2x Rice +20 Gain (+2% + 150) Physical damage (1200 sec) SR
Purple Yam Pie 1x Purple Yam +20 Gain (+2% + 150) Volt damage (1200 sec) SR


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